How Much Energy Do You Consume In A Day? Tell Us Your Daily Routine To Find Out

Published for Tenaga Nasional

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Do you know how much electricity you consume in a day?

Hmmm, no idea.
Yeah, I roughly know.

In case you didn’t know, an average household consumes about 10 to 12 kWh per day, which accumulates to around 300-360kWh per month.

While it may not seem like a lot, don't forget that the tariff rate for your monthly electricity bill increases as you accumulate your daily energy consumption!

One of the ways to reduce your electricity bill is to monitor your daily energy usage.

Not sure how to start? Let us help you! 

Tell us your daily routine to find out how much energy you consume in a day: 

Note: Energy consumption per day refers to TNB’s Energy Usage Calculator*

It’s 8am, and you just got up. What do you need to turn off in your room?

*Select all that apply!

It’s time to get ready for the day! Which of these will you be using?

*Select all that apply!

Time to boil water for coffee. How are you gonna do it?

*Select all that apply!

Choose your daily breakfast routine as you sip your coffee:

*Select all that apply!

You’re working from home. How many devices are plugged in?

*Select all that apply!

Time for house chores. Pick all the household appliances you’ll be using:

*Select all that apply!

It’s 6pm, and you just logged off work. What are you going to use to prepare dinner?

*Select all that apply!

You’re finally settling down for the day. How are you going to unwind?

*Select all that apply!
Swipe left for the next question

You consumed… <12kWh per day!

Average monthly bill : RM50 - RM100

Looks like you're a smart energy user, and you’re always keeping track of how much energy you consume. Well done! 

But remember, this is just a rough estimate. Don’t forget that other factors come into play in your electricity consumption, such as your refrigerator, lights, the number of users at home, your WiFi router, and more.

You consumed… 20kWh per day!

Average monthly bill : RM100 - RM250

Not bad! You spend an average amount of electricity, using appliances as and when you require them. 

You’re definitely on the right track. But, why not try monitoring your energy consumption more closely? You can start by switching off plug points when not in use and using energy-saving appliances. 

You consumed… >20kWh per day!

Average monthly bill : Above RM250

Alamak! You may have too many appliances switched on throughout the day.

With a few lifestyle tweaks such as going easy on the air conditioning, switching off devices when not in use, using as much natural light as possible, and more, you’ll be able to reduce your energy consumption in no time.

So, how did you fare?

No matter your results, remember, it does not reflect your actual consumption.

It’s important to always monitor your energy usage. This way, you’ll get save on electricity bills, and adopt energy-saving practices to reduce your carbon footprint.

Here are a few energy-saving tips you can try:

Set your aircond at a specific temperature

Air conditioners consume a lot of energy. You can try setting a consistent temperature between 24°C to 26°C, which is sufficient to cool down your room, while keeping your energy consumption low. 

Always keep your fridge organised

A clutter-free refrigerator allows for cool air to circulate easily. This reduces the need for the compressor to work harder, thus consuming less energy.

Use energy-efficient appliances

Most electrical brands now produce energy-efficient appliances, designed to use less electricity compared to their standard counterparts. By using appliances like energy-efficient lightbulbs, washing machines, air conditioners, and more, you can significantly reduce your overall energy consumption. 

Switch off chargers and appliances when not in use

Let’s admit it — we only unplug our devices from the charger, leaving the plug point still switched on. You should always switch off chargers, electronics, and appliances when they are not in use, as they can still consume electricity even when they are in standby mode.

Reduce the use of indoor lighting

Turn off unnecessary lighting wherever possible. You can try opening curtains during the day to allow natural light in, reducing the use of decorative lights, and even installing motion light sensors.