2022 Zodiac Predictions For The Year Of The Tiger,

According To Feng Shui Master Louis Loh

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Ever wondered how the Chinese zodiac came about?

Legend has it that the Jade Emperor called for a race among the animals — they had to cross a rapid river to reach the finish line on the shore.

Click on the animals to find out more!

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  • Next up: Tiger and rabbit
    Exhausted by the race, the rat persuaded the kind ox to let it sit on its head. But upon reaching the shore, the rat jumped off to claim first place, while the ox came in second.
  • Next up: Dragon
    Both fast and competitive, the tiger and rabbit came in third and fourth respectively, with the rabbit hopping onto a floating log after getting tired from the race.
  • Next up: Horse and snake
    Little did the rabbit know that it was the dragon who blew its floating log across the finish line. The dragon came in fifth, after making a detour to help villagers extinguish a fire.
  • Next up: Goat, monkey, and rooster
    The horse wasn’t far behind, but it didn’t notice the snake was wrapped around its leg to hitch a ride. With the finish line in sight, the snake uncoiled itself and slithered to claim sixth place, leaving the horse at seventh.
  • Next up: Dog
    The goat, monkey, and rooster displayed teamwork by crossing the river on a small raft together, then crossing the finish line one at a time. Eighth place went to the goat, ninth place to the monkey, and tenth place to the rooster.
  • Next up: Pig
    Despite being fast and a good swimmer, the playful dog was more interested in splashing about in the river than actually crossing it. That’s how it ended up in eleventh place.
  • Lastly, came the pig. After getting peckish during the race, it stopped for food and dozed off. Eventually, it woke up and managed to finish the race, snagging the final spot on the zodiac.

With the Year of the Tiger just around the corner, we collaborated with feng shui master Louis Loh for our annual zodiac predictions

With over 560,000 followers on Facebook, Loh runs a feng shui consulting company with services such as residential and commercial feng shui reading, adult and baby naming, and auspicious wedding date selection, among others. He has worked with a myriad of brands, including Maybank, Mah Sing, S P Setia, EcoWorld, and Mercedes-Benz. He has also been featured in New Straits Times, Sin Chew Daily, China Press, as well as on 8TV, TV3, and One FM.

Loh has prepared fresh predictions for 2022, so you can take a glimpse at how well your fortune will fare this year.

Start by clicking your zodiac below!

Zodiac Ranking Overall Fortune Clash With Tai Sui